tongue piercing??
2day after finish work i going find marcus chit chat
n waiting for mr.G coming...
when v chattting got a young boy come n ask to how much for the tongue piercing
n the boy make decision quite fast...
after that i see marcus help the boy piercing....i was OMG!!! the feeling is GELi lar....
pain pain leh....><
n waiting for mr.G coming...
when v chattting got a young boy come n ask to how much for the tongue piercing
n the boy make decision quite fast...
after that i see marcus help the boy piercing....i was OMG!!! the feeling is GELi lar....
pain pain leh....><
February 20, 2009 at 5:56 PM
okay lar...
not that painful
February 20, 2009 at 7:25 PM
i tot u wan get one
February 22, 2009 at 4:01 AM
pain pain pain...
can feel here too!!!
weiii...u r tagged!!! double one!!!
shhh~~~~ cant show ur full name there.hahahah~
February 22, 2009 at 7:50 AM
feel geli lar kinki...never think i 1 get one lar patrick...pain leh..i dun 1 tagged lar shuet yee damn alot question..uishh