holiday???or working day???

since finish my last paper i was busy till 2day
after last paper 5th feb n i work till 11th feb
is kinda tired cz no time rest plus everyday late now from sore throat to get sick...>2day i js realize that i long time no hang out wf friend n no shop shop long time ago even i working in shooping mall...><
see everyone buy this n that syok leh~~~but y i earn all the money so fast gone n i cant save it....
where did i spend on???petrol?eat?(but i edy eat the most cheap d wor) shopping???edy long time no shop even shop is js window shopping...
i jealous my friend y they no money can take from their family but i cant...haizzzz.. SAD SAD
n b cz the bangkok trip i cant spend too much...i very san fu lar...see those nice shirt pants n bla bla bla cant buy...uishhh
n i not really enough duit go this trip how how???who can sponser me ...ngek ngek

everyone say i very harkworking but i not really lar...js need money to my petrol if not no ppl sponser me to pump petrol lar....n because working my result js SO SO...
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