finally i done it

fianlly i hit my target for this mth...godssss.
working 6 days weekend hit 12+k....
start frome this mth i never think that i can hit my target
but finally 2day last day for this mth
i hit it...
2day working damn mornign no ppl come
start from 2pm js got ppl come.....uish....
n thanx all my customer help me...n sorry to my other staff cz i keep rape the sale
no choice ...i really need hit my target if nt my working days become less...

n the cb manager pls dun keep annoying us do sale
n call ur permanent staff do back their own job ...
dun keep call part time to keep ur shop clean n tidy
ur staff need hit target n do sale v oso need to do k....
u dun show ur sux fucker lan ci face to ppl will like it
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2 Response to "finally i done it"

  1. ♫.- k [I] n.- ♪ says:
    November 30, 2008 at 6:06 AM

    no doubt...
    i hate my cb manager too

  2. Elynna Low says:
    November 30, 2008 at 7:14 AM

    haha... manager is bad de lar.
    is hard to get a good manager...
    my good manager no work d...