
skinny-B = my bf...^^
v js started not so long...n this guys is very talkative n funny n very like to dare ppl when ppl dare him...=.=
before 2gether wf him i dunno y when v hang out wf lynnie friend all 2gether he not dare to talk wf me -.-.i ask him y?n he answer he pai seh...=.=
babe u not that kind of person lo..u are damn talkative....
i know him through lynnie....(thanx lynnie).1st time i meet him is when my b'day at poppy.that time is his friend b'day too.i found another ppl same b'day date wf me^^
n the process i think same wf other ppl...hang out, sms, on phone an hour?, have dinner and...bla bla bla...
before that i really scare dating cz last 2 time oso not that good in relationship...and i hope this time i can have a good 1.
he very like break dance n his bboy name is bboy 1st blood.i ask him wat the meaning?mean is the 1st kill ppl in battle.
i found out some stuff v are sport but not football or futsal, like to buy pants..haha

lynnie i want post this long time d js i dun have his pic le.

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