
2day is ours result out
n estee dman nervous that her bm failed n i take it easy cz i know i mostly will failed
n lucky the carefour got free internet for us to check
i'm the 1st to check finally good news to me both sub get B...^^
followingn is chuck n estee
estee was upset cz her bm failed again n i know wat the feeling she get n i feel her
not u stupid lar estee if stupid how about ur others sub ooo...this sem dun resit 1st 1st kk??

at night yum cha wf friend a while dman long time din see their face d...
when my friend get in my car told me that her mum credit card lose...i was...
then ask her about the credit card....for my suggestion fast fast go stop the credit card if not later ppl use alot u pay alot.....

2day quite alot thing happen ya....take it easy ba....
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