sing a song

little deed of kindness
little words of love
make this earth an edan
like a heavan above
while the tree are still green
while the birds are still singing
we will have to cherish all we love

this song is compose by my partner peggy...hehe
she smart le...she copose the lyris n the melody

y v need to sing this song is because our sub music appreciation
this is part of our assignment...v need to compose 2 different version n sing to lec ... shamefull to sing out ..
but 2day v done a good job...heheh v get A for our singing assign...wakakaka
when lecture class lecturer still cal us go out sing again...>< shy shy leh
but finally done it n pass d...heheh
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3 Response to "sing a song"

  1. ♫.- k [I] n.- ♪ says:
    April 14, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    did u recorded it ??
    i more curious how was the face of chucku when he's singing

  2. 大頭 says:
    April 14, 2009 at 10:48 AM

    good job ^^V

  3. Elynna Low says:
    April 16, 2009 at 8:35 AM

    err... js dun see his face lo