different btw wf secondary n college

Secondary skol College
  1. 7-10subejct 28--??? subject
  2. 7-10 sub for whole year 6 sub for long sem (3mth) 2 sub for short sem(7 week)
  3. fees---cheap fees---expansive beberapa puluh ribu
  4. to be disciplin no need u can skip the class, do wat ever u like
  5. uniform un-uniform
  6. not that mush homework have alot assignment but fun
  7. whole year js study few book few book for 1 sem :s
  8. cant mke noise during teaching can make some noise but not too loud
  9. no handphone sure u can pick up ur EMERGENCY call
  10. timetable is fix timetable is flexible
  11. no eating in class sure u can
  12. no sleeping in class YES u can but u miss out the note
  13. must listen to teacher u can argue wf lecture to get more markssss
  14. homework easy to do u need to do a lot research to get INFO n POINT
  15. cant join other class can join others class to get ur attendance
  16. can meet a lot of ZAI( esther add d)

i js too bored n no mood to study so i write this post...

PS:if u guys have any idea js tell me i will add on...haha...chill

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3 Response to "different btw wf secondary n college"

  1. Mujahid Saddam says:
    April 26, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    what u can argue wif ur lecture?..

  2. Esther, 21 says:
    April 27, 2009 at 2:31 AM

    muja she say argue wf lecture 2 get more point..
    n ee 1 more point..can meet alot of zai...LOL

  3. Elynna Low says:
    April 27, 2009 at 4:10 AM

    ok i will add on
    stupid muja