my life memang sui...><

y i so bad luck?????
y in 1 day gv me alot prob huh???!!!&*(&*(@$^
everytime i plan n i plan how to settle everthing
sure got something to block me....
or may b my thinkinh too childish????to easy???
never think that the real life .???....SHIT
money u really make alot ppl SUFFER
economic u really make alot ppl no job now.....

dunno izit got ppl hate me do jambi behind me....><
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2 Response to "my life memang sui...><"

  1. 大頭 says:
    December 28, 2008 at 9:01 AM

    u wan me help u buang sui???
    freee dehypurp

  2. Elynna Low says:
    December 28, 2008 at 8:08 PM

    sure sursure...thanx a lot sin