long or short hair?

1st PLS DUN LAUGH ppl....i know not really suit...but i js have a try on myself

ddddaaaannnngg laaaannngggg

which 1 more suit?
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download green day 21 guns mp3s

download green day 21 guns mp3s

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when i js totaly have it?

everytime hang out wf friend sure till half got some body call me
who is tat? my MUM...aikss sometime i really hate her
ppl happy happy at there suddenly call me ask me bak
i know n i und now the security of malaysia is damn bad but can i js have my freedom n js go out sometime wf friend till late or may b no???
sometime really envy, jealous from my friend...
when i js totaly have my freedom..goddd
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finally i done my assign MEDIA PLANNING...phewwww
2day js me n muja attend the ding dong lec shuba class....(count from assign group)
1 go draving text 1 sick jor....n other may b tired ba....
after finish ding dong lec class v go study room do the media planning...
v arrange till half dunno y the table that v do keep got prob...damn piss off so v decide do again...extra work again..aiks
while muja do assign esther help me paint my nails...is pink wf shimmer shimmer...now my hand bling bling....i say fat hao she say not fat hao is 1 to be prettier...i was..|||
after she finish paint i touch here n there so some is not nice d ....but i touch up after that...haha
this is my hand, this is my hand, this is my...HAND

lunch time v head to Mcd again....
when go back skol for pn ana class...the mujaja scare me say his pendrive LOSE d...i :(

ee: u got check properly???
muja: yea yea...
peggy: muja gv me ur bag i help u check again
muja: i check d le...dun have..i go study room there check again...

after 10-2ominute??muja came back ....tanngggg LAnnngggg
FOUND IT......phew~~~~
finally v done our assign....teeeheee!!!
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sugar glider

that day skinny-b say buy me a sugar glider..i said i dunno how to take care n i saw their finger abit geli lo....he said he dunno how to take care..but am i know???

actually is a very small size pets.they like to stay at dark place. heard from my friend cant let them alone at home if not they will not happy n others....for me i think i cant have it cz i out going ppl.
and i js google search about sugar glider

the step how to take care sugar glider
  1. p 1

    Allow space for the sugar glider to glide. The cage should be at least 30 inches wide and 36 inches tall in order to allow it plenty of space to roam around and leap through the air. The larger the cage is, the more space the glider will have and the more comfortable he will be. But, as long as his basic need to jump and glide are met, he will get adequate exercise. Get a cage with wire sides to allow the sugar glider to climb. Put a few platforms and ledges inside the cage that will allow the sugar glider a few places to jump from.

  2. Step 2

    Feed the sugar glider vegetables, fruits, a protein source and a dry food each day. All three of these components are important parts of a sugar glider’s diet. The fruits and vegetables should be fed in one small portion per day. The protein can be from meat, eggs or from bugs like mealworms. There are various dry foods on the market that are recommended for sugar gliders, but the dry food should not be a dog or cat food. Dry foods formulated for omnivores will generally have the recommended nutrition.

  3. Step 3

    Remove uneaten food from the cage after it’s been there for a day. This will prevent the food from growing mold.

  4. Step 4

    Keep the sugar glider happy by providing him with plenty of attention. Hold your pet for a little longer each day to get him used to being held. This will socialize him to life with humans. It can take time to form a bond with a sugar glider. After the bond is formed, make sure that you hold him often to keep him from becoming lonely. Some sugar glider owners leave a piece of their clothing inside the cage to keep their scent around their pet as another way to bond.

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i HATE abandon

pity this baby
really dunno y those parents can abandon their baby...
wat they thinking???y they can so cruel??
hope this baby can survive
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finally 2day done our presentation
the lec i think he is ding dong~~~like to pick something wrong on our group,assignment, presentation.....

passed up my copy writing assign...phew~~~~this assign mmg last minute done it....feel successful ...teeeheee!!! :P

media planing...thanx goddddd...this assign next week js pass up...wuuuhuuu...but i know this assign not that easy to do ...><
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