nEw Year Eve

erm...2208 new year eve!!!
where u guys to celebrate???
erm me n my friend was thinking where v go??
me n kate was go sf house eat she mum cook alot food le...hehehe...nice to eat...wakakak
after v finish our dinner v decide go the curve
n sf not driver her dad's car me drive....><
1st v fetch pei sze which is v call her hua her skin very smooth
after that reach 1u pick up wed....
i was hate new year eve drive everywhere oso jam...uishhhhh
after v park our car v walk to the alot ppl ya...
but bb,klcc most many ppl....
i cant imagine the curve there oso got ppl play spray...i hate this thing cz very smelly...n hard to clean it....

2008 new year eve firework...

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new year eve

how come this year x'mas eve n new year eve so boring
all my friend keep asking where u go 2night?how to celebrate
but all oso too here....haiz
hope the new year coming good thing come to me...come come come....

happy new year everyone....weeEEEEeeeee~~~
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my life memang sui...><

y i so bad luck?????
y in 1 day gv me alot prob huh???!!!&*(&*(@$^
everytime i plan n i plan how to settle everthing
sure got something to block me....
or may b my thinkinh too childish????to easy???
never think that the real life .???....SHIT
money u really make alot ppl SUFFER
economic u really make alot ppl no job now.....

dunno izit got ppl hate me do jambi behind me....><
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how u going to celebrate ur 21th years old this big day b'day
i'm was thinking long time ago...but in the end have no idea...yea totally blank....><
home party?at side pool?
or book 1 room at hotel?
or nice restaurant?
*!&)&*$@^(_#!@!!....i really have no idea lar....
by the way i dun 1 go clubbin celebrate.....

any special?good idea? for me ...really need help!!!!
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merry x'mas 2008

this year is same wf last year 2007 BBQ but the venue is different
last year v was at PD celebrate our x'mas party
think back it was fun cz quite chi jek ...when v get the fire the heaven is raining
after that v chnage place to BBQ but is not enough 'tan'
although is have some prob but v all is enjoy it....
this year is at kua goh house celebrate
v got make ikan bakar sotong hotdog and so on....
is quite alot food but in the end almost finish it...omg...this time i get fat again....><
this year din take pic cz v all busy makan makan n makan....
in the middle v all start talk ghost story,....>< is abit scaryabout
around 2am v all clean all the rubish n exchange present
i get a small mouth shape from wed
sf get a lousy bear from kua goh...haha
jenn get my chocolate....
n wed get a short pant from jenn....
kua goh u not ngam lo buy lousy bear to exchange....nx year cant like that d ar...

by the way....MERRY CHRISTMS TO everyone...
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Gossip Girl

this is the drama that i recently watch
damn crazy n fall in love this drama...wakaka
y? cz all the character pretty n handsome
i like handsome guys....keke
really hope my life like them...RICH...
can do wat they want,buy wat they want to buy
but the love realarionship i dun like
is compliacated leh.....
i like the character call serena...i like her character in this strong enough n i like dan humprey n nathenial..both of them is damn handsome...godsss
can i have bf or friend like both of them....sure i not pretty enough...kaka
well... may b u can try to watch this drama...
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oh GODSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! i make a wrong decision

js afternnon my teacher call me
she pass me a make up job
is js work within 1 or 2 hour i can earn rm arounf rm150 or many above
but...i reject it...i'm stupid idiot
cz i edy promise my friend her job n i dun 1 to reject her again
cz sun i edy cant i reject my teacher there n going to work wf my friend
i regreat now...shit...i will never ever again reject those make up job...
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i hope i can get it...n i need it too

1st for me nw i relaly need alot money cz i need pay my road tax service car fees skin care n for my travel fees oso
2nd i 1 to slim down...can i??(i think is difficult)..haha
3rd i hope geta good bf really feel lonely sometime and i need some one take care of me....can i??
4th i 1 pass all my final exam paper...i will do my best...keke
5th i 1 FREEDOOM...n my family member pls js leave me alone....
6th i 1 a nice lip, full lip, that will look sexy ya~~~.but this will be go plastic surgery....i think is hard for me to get it somemore i scare when i go do it then the result is failed that time cham 99 lo
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get hurt

2day my lovely friend estee was going to find me
cz she borrow some make up staff from me
around 2 or 3pm (i was forgot d)
she come d after i pass my staff to her
my colleague said how come all ur friend thing but u like this???!!
!&@^*&^*&$@*&...i was get hurt enough
ya ya...i the most fat in my gang..all my girl friend event though guys oso thin
how come all my friend thin thin????
at night another friend find me + waiting me finish work
the colleagua said agait...see all ur friend slim slim n thin thin
how come u different...godssss...i really get hudt from you wat u say
i really have no idea n dunno y n dunno how come they can slim like hell
n i fat like hell....
somemore some of my friend they eat alot then me but they oso won't get fat
but how much i eat how much i fat later....

i admit i cant stop to eat especially before coming my period, i will keep feel 1 to eating....guy i can tell u u will never ever knwo this feeling....
some of my friend even they eat much then but they oso wont get fat...
JEALOUS niiii...sometime i really 1 to slim down but i cant tahan those delicious food...haha...

all my friend say u not fat ok...u js chubby
excuse me chubby=fat lo...wat the...
how u feel when u take pic with all ur slim n thin friend
last few week i saw back my friend wedding pic
got 1...ermmno is many from the pic
i take photo wf my friend...i saw it i the most fat in that pic..uishhhhh
my friend told me u know event u chuuby/fat u got ur body shape
yea i know i got body shape but so useless..cant wear those snglet,spaghetti,nice dress..n so on...
i not dun 1 wear those top/clothes cz i really look fat with those top
n stand beside with u guy when i with singlet..bla bla bla....
sure u all will u say ok lar u not that fat
slim gal u never ever know my feeling....if i can slim like u all i will wear those top...even i wear i oso wont wear in front u all le....

i know guys is in interest in slim gal
n u guys will keep say those fat gal...[like u o???so fat???] wat the....if 1 day u get fat u will kno wthat feeling...uishhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'm get many hurt n enough hurt from u all....

in the end i know i fat k
i will try my best to slim down
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i HATE it..

wat i hate???
1st i hate money...why i say so?
cz nowadays everything is about money
no money cant survive,cant buy food
cant buy wat u need,cant get wat u want
cant hang out wf friend or ur lover...

2nd is hate those ppl dun have teamwork
wat oso need ppl help n done it for them
but is ok cz they cant get experience
js think another way i get the experience is good for my future

3nd is hate those ppl whoo look down on ppl
who u think u are?are u king or queen?if u are i ok with it
n i sure u oso let ppl look down before or future n wat ever

still got many i hate in my life but lazy to list out...
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photo shoot

2day v going to shoot fashion photo
is at outdoor....pavilon...
before v go pavilion v go model house
she name is peggy...haha same wf peggy low name
b cz yy late n make peggy when i finish helo model make up
peggy go out see wat her bf doing but i dunno y they suddenly start fight...
this couple damn funny....can fight 1
when v reach pavilion v go staircase there shoot...
the progress still ok...n v moving to other place take
but got stupid guard some n stop us to shot...uishh....
if tourist shoot u no stop them but v malasyian u stop
v move down abit take ...n i no border the guard js take nia,....haha
but this guard quite polite lar will say have a nice day...but i see i have no a nice day lo ...ello

this time got 3 camerato man....haha.n stand a side see they take but i oso got take some cz i have no camera n i oso bu hao yi xi borrow my friend de camera take long time...haha...
i 1 camera lar daddy...can i have 1 ar..????as my 21th b'day present is ok if i early receive it i dun mind de...wakakak...but i dunno how to tell u
cz i sure after i tell u,u will suffer 1..ah lah dun 1 make u suffer oso but i 1 how how???call my bor sponser me...i guarantee they won't cz they oso not enough money for them self...haiz
how come wat i 1 de thing cant make it n get it ...but ppl can
god ...pls drop some money for me...thanx
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ms.ruby????who is this...
she not human...yea yea is my doggie
i think 2006 she come my house n from the begining she come my house
she was very scare stranger n will hide under the tv
but after half of the year she become garang
when saw somebody that she never meet sure she will bising-bisng at there
n this dog is very lan ci..y say so???
cz sometime i call her she dun 1 choi me...uishhh..bengka ke??
dunno izit i always buli her....haha..
actually i'm not purpose 1 buli sometime she very naugthy n too many ppl sayang i'm become the bad gal to buli her....
soemtime bit her ass...hahaha
when raining wf tunder...sure she go my mum room n hide in closet....

dang langggggggggg this is my doggie MS.RUBY

wf her shit...but she dun like to wear

when she sleeping kacau her...haha

mou san yi tai...OMG!!!

with spec...ultraman

with my mum hairband....ngek ngek

with her toy...doggie oso...

yummy yummy~~~
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